icti standard packaging

What are ICTI standard and its application in the production of toy packaging? Let’s learn about this standard and the benefits it brings to businesses and consumers.

What is the ICTI Standard?

ICTI stands for International Council of Toy Industries. Under this standard, members are committed to promoting the application of safe standards for toys. The aim is to reduce or eliminate trade barriers, promote socially responsible progress and address environmental issues. In addition, ICTI also helps members to practice fair, legal, and safe work in the workplace.

The member of this council is the association of toy manufacturers from 20 countries. Each association has its members from toy brands in its geographical area.

icti standard packaging

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Contents of ICTI standards

The main content of ICTI is that associations commit themselves on behalf of member companies to ensure the legal, safe, and healthy operation of toy factories. ICTI upholds the use of human resources at the right age and does not discriminate against human resources by gender, religion, or ethnicity.

Factories practice in strict compliance with the law on environmental protection. ICTI is responsible for informing, educating, and controlling member companies to comply with the ICTI code of business practice.

The requirements to meet ICTI standard are as follows:

2.1 Labor working

  • Working hours, wages, overtime pay as prescribed by law or according to international labor organization conventions.
  • Do not use labor under the working age at any stage.
  • Freedom of workers at the end of working hours, no forced labor.
  • Ensure adequate wages for employees following clause C1000 of the Equal Remuneration Convention 1951.
  • Employees are fully entitled to benefits such as maternity, sick leave following the law.
  • Work equally.
  • Employees’ right to freedom of representation following the law.

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icti certified paper packaging

2.2 Workplace

  • Toy factories should provide a safe working environment in compliance with environmental sanitation and risk prevention laws.
  • Lighting, ventilation, and exit systems work well in many situations.
  • Prepare medically for first aid situations, giving first aid to victims.
  • Train and prepare necessary evacuation procedures and instructions for employees.
  • Train employees on how to use equipment safely.
  • Machines also need to be equipped with safety regulations.
  • Toilet system following safety standards.
  • Reasonable regulations on hours of rest.
  • In case the factory provides accommodation, it is necessary to meet the basic hygiene requirements according to the law.
  • No physical or mental discipline is imposed on employees.

2.3 Compliance

  • Set performance standards to educate and encourage the implementation of commitments on responsibility in production.
  • Evaluate the compliance of member companies and their contractors against ICTI objectives.
  • There is an annual compliance report signed by the person in charge.
  • Toy manufacturing contracts provide unsatisfactory criteria for complying with the ICTI code of business responsibility or timely remedying a contractual breach.
  • Three appendixes are attached to the ICTI code of business responsibility to guide in determining compliance.

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icti paper packaging for toys

3. Application in toy packaging production ICTI

Along with toy manufacturing, the packaging is an integral part of production and marketing. Packaging products also need to be ICTI-certified to ensure product quality. To be granted an ICTI certificate, toy packaging needs to meet ICTI standards and is called ICT-certified toy packaging.

  • Comply with laws and regulations in the workplace

Packaging manufacturers need to ensure a hygienic working environment. Division of production, waste, and timely treatment will ensure the hygiene and safety of packaging. Areas in the packaging factory include:
– Office area: The place to receive, process, and unify requests with customers. This process can end in a regular document or a contract depending on the professionalism of the packaging company.

– Printing workshop: In the printing workshop, it is divided into many different zones such as printing, collage, and finishing. Each zone will have specific waste such as ink, excess paper, glue, boxes… They need to be handled in time so as not to affect other stages in the packaging production process.

  • Working time

Specific working hours per week for each employee. Specific regulations on overtime pay as prescribed by law.

  • Salary and compensation

Employees in the packaging companies are entitled to receive salaries and bonuses under the regulations and the initial contract following the law.

  • Juvenile labor

Do not use juvenile labor at any stage of packaging production. Even simple steps such as gluing ICTI paper packaging or closing straps are not allowed. This is a very important principle according to ICTI standards.

  • Forced labor

Packaging manufacturers must not force employees to work overtime. Not to interfere with workers’ rights beyond working hours.

  • Prisoner labor

The packaging company must not refuse to work for any reason of gender, religion, ethnicity, imprisonment, … In order not to violate the lack of equality of career opportunities according to the article clause C111 Anti-discrimination.

  • Discipline

An ICTI-certified packaging manufacturer is not allowed to impose mental or physical discipline on its employees.

icti paper packaging
  • Discrimination

Do not discriminate at work with employees based on race, color, sex, religion, political opinion, national origin, or social origin.

  • Employee representation

Employees are free to practice their rights on employee representation under the law.

  • Facilities

The packaging company ensures safe equipment for machinery, equipment, and factories following the law. At the same time, workers must be trained in advance in case of need.

  • Fire prevention

Building a fire prevention and fighting system with an exit entrance. Along with that, the packaging enterprise instructs employees to use the system in case of need.

  • Occupational health and safety

Clean working environment following legal regulations and an adequate risk prevention system.

  • Welfare services

Enterprises need to have a full medical system and medical staff. The system is always ready for first aid and timely emergencies that occur due to occupational accidents. In addition, in case the business provides accommodation for employees, it is necessary to ensure the basic needs of sanitary for rooms and toilets, in accordance with environmental safety and fire protection under legal regulations.

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icti toys paper packaging

4. Benefits of using ICTI -certified packaging or businesses and consumers

There are many benefits that both businesses using ICTI toy packaging and consumers may get.

4.1 Businesses use ICTI-certified toy packaging

  • Contributing to ICTI-certified toy brands.
  • Promote toy production in a healthy approach contributing to social development.
  • It is a good opportunity for toy products to expand the market and be accepted in many countries.
  • Help businesses comply with the provisions of the law.
  • Increasing social welfare for employees contributes to increasing productivity and quality of work and brand reputation.
icti paper packaging for toys children

4.2 Consumers

  • Consumers, especially children, will have the opportunity to access safe and healthy toys.
  • Through the packaging products, parents identify which is the right choice for their children.

Above are the standards of  ICTI and their application in the production of ICTI-certified toy packaging. We hope to help you can have an overview of this global standard. Please contact us for detailed advice on the production of ICTI-certified packaging products.

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