Although BSCI is relatively new in Vietnam, the early adoption of BSCI is essential in the trend of global integration. The company that achieved BSCI is not only committed to complying with international “rules”, but also is contributing to creating a more transparent and fair working environment.
1. What is the BSCI standard?
The BSCI Standard (Business Social Compliance Initiative) is a leading supply chain management system, with the purpose of establishing a common forum for application codes of behavior and is a monitoring system in Europe for corporate social responsibility.
After 17 years since the proposal of the Foreign Trade Association (FTA), up to now, BSCI has 11 rules. The core is to ensure that the companies participating in BSCI comply with the provisions of international labor and environment.
In addition, suppliers must ensure their subcontractors comply with BSCI, creating a seamless flow in the supply chain, from the beginning stage until the product is completed.
2. Why does BSCI make a company more competitively advantaged?
This set of standards was quickly appreciated and adopted by associations, corporations, businesses, importers, manufacturers of consumer goods, and retail companies around the world.
Until now, more than 50 brands in 9 countries around the world have applied BSCI, including many big names such as Metro, Kesko, Otto, Espirit, Lindex, and Ave.
Why are companies that gain BSCI more trusted and competitive?
- This is a voluntary standard. When participating in BSCI, businesses are committed to complying with the rules in the global playing field, which is the business associated with social responsibility, creating a safe and fair working environment.
- In addition, BSCI will be periodically re-evaluated, showing that business posture is always ready to improve working conditions in their supply chain.
- The workplace has no child labor. Products made not from oppressive labor resources.
- BSCI is a global code of conduct, so businesses participating in BSCI can easily export to countries in Europe and America. This creates a competitive advantage in the market.
- Save costs, increase sales and profits. Businesses participating in BSCI are highly appreciated by partners, enhancing the brand, import and export, leading to increased sales. Enterprises ensure working environment conditions, create healthy relationships with employees. When guaranteed for wages, social benefits and other benefits, workers feel secure to work more efficiently. Both sides are beneficial.
Read more: Environmental protection: FSC standard packaging product
3. Khang Thanh Packaging Company receives BSCI certification
With the motto “Focus on product quality”, customer benefits are key, improving workers’ life, and contributing to the community, Khang Thanh Packaging Company has achieved BSCI Standard as a commitment to sustainable business associated with social responsibility.
Khang Thanh is committed to implemeting these BSCI code of conduct in its workplace and business
- The Rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining: Our enterprise respects the right of workers to form unions or other kinds of worker’s associations and to engage in collective bargaining.
- Fair Remuneration: Our enterprise respects the right of workers to receive fair remuneration.
- Occupational Health and Safety: Our enterprise ensures a healthy and safe working environment, assessing risk and taking all necessary measures to eliminate or reduce it.
- Special Protection for Young Workers: Our enterprise provides special protection to any workers that are not yet adults.
- No Bonded Labour: Our enterprise does not engage in any form of forced servitude, trafficked or non-voluntary labour.
- Ethical Business Behaviour: Our enterprise does not tolerate any acts of corruption, extortion, embezzlement or bribery.
- No Discrimination: Our enterprise provides equal opportunities and does not discriminate against workers.
- Decent Working Hours: Our enterprise observes the law regarding hours of work.
- No Child Labour: Our enterprise does not hire any worker below the legal minimum age.
- No Precarious Employment: Our enterprise hires workers on the basis of documented contracts according to the law.
- Protection of the Environment: Our enterprise takes the necessary measures to avoid environmental degradation.
Besides, Khang Thanh has gained other international certifications such as ISO 9001:2015, ISO 9001:14001, FSC, Walt Disney ILS, L’Oreal, ICS. We believe that business is only sustainable when associated with social responsibility and community. We are not aiming to achieve to many certification, but each certification is a stepping stone for us to approach each step to go further in an international environment.
Khang Thanh – The packaging company in Vietnam specializes in producing paper bags, rigid box, labels, hangtag, books, calendar, POSM and so on. Contact us to support your brand with the right packaging:
Tel: (+84) 77 8878 222