
Inspiration From Offset Printing Products

Offset printing was first applied back in 1903 by Ira Washington Rubel, followed by brothers Charles Harris and Albert Harris who built an offset printer for the Harrisprinting company. These are the two fundamentals that make the strong development...

vietnam paper packaging

Vietnam Paper Packaging Industry: Supporting Industry Needs To Be Awakened

Good growth speed and potential Paper packaging is the main product of Vietnam’s paper industry, accounting for nearly 70% of total industry consumption and 45% of total paper import turnover in 2015. Due to the large population and great...

vietnam paper packaging

8 Basic Steps In Manufacturing Process of a Vietnam Packaging Company

This article will summarize the 8 main stages of packaging manufacturing. Step 1: The packaging company exchanges ideas with customers In addition to the common types of packaging available on the market, most customers prefer unique, specialized designs for...